Spiritual Lifting

For the past five years, I have suffered from a chronic illness (autoimmune). It is life-threatening and has been a life-changing event. It happened suddenly, within a week. Never before have I experienced anything as major as this nor expect to in the future. The doctors tell me it was brought on by breast cancer several months before. I can only imagine what has happened to my body. It invades my immune system and causes weakness globally. I have searched these five years for a cure. With heavy heart in hand, I have found no cure yet, but I keep searching. I take infusions every four weeks for treatments, I have been doing so for five years now.

Through my medical and physical challenges over the past several years, I have had a spiritual uplifting. This experience has humbled me. I do not take my health for granted now as I realize it can be taken in an instance. Life is far too dear to play with it. Rather, life is fragile and now I believe it. I do what I have to do to stay healthy and alive. It just isn’t enough and why should I just settle for that? The doctors tell me to be grateful that I’m not bedridden or in a wheelchair by now, but I’m not settling. I keep my eyes focused on God and believe I will be healed one day. It will be miraculous and many people will witness my health restoration. I keep holding on to faith and spiritual lifting. So ask me again why do I write?

41 thoughts on “Spiritual Lifting”

  1. thenovelist said:

    Very touching. Similar to my life story. I send you all good wishes for healing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My art and writing has carried me through over a decade of pain. I still find I need to let God have control and that the art of gratitude carries one far.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Stay focused, stay positive, pray and write.

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  4. I am. Some days I don’t feel like getting out of bed. Today is a good day but I have had some bad days lately. I started physical therapy twice weekly again to limber up and get some movement in. Thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂


  5. Anne, thank you for allowing us into part of your journey. Pain, loss, uncertainty! I believe the best art as well as the “best spirituality” is produced in the dark times. But I would still wish those times on no one!
    I hope each day brings encouragement and hope.
    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I look forward to doing the same with yours! Keep writing, fellow traveller.


  6. Good evening Anne… I’ve been lingering within your pages for a while this afternoon and found a great deal of enlightenment in your posts and especially in the story of you… I too have found writing to be great therapy and often a great reliever of pain. Reading about your journey has touched my heart and I thank you. Also… thanks for dropping by The Vision of Poets… I’m honored that you enjoyed it…
    Hope your evening is most beautiful…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Michael. I think poetry is beautiful for various reasons. I enjoy reading your poetry. Glad that I could enlighten you with my pages. Hope you continue to enjoy my posts. I look forward to reading more of your poetry. I dabble in it a little bit. I need more confidence to post it on blog though. Have a wonderful evening. Anne 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Anne,
    I like your multi-faceted blogsite. Your strong faith in God, that He will restore you to health, is impressive and unusual. Keep that flame alive. Search for God everyday in all you encounter. His magnificence is to be found in many places and people, even as the world becomes more scarred everyday by evil acts. Best wishes on your continued success as an author and writer. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the follow.


    • Thank you, Betsy. I’m getting over infusions this week. It’s been a difficult road as the doctor increased my dosage and frequency of treatments recently. Your kindness and faith in God shows through your writing. It is fellow bloggers like yourself that keep me going, inspired to write more. Thanks again. Anne

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Poetry was my gateway out of a severe health crisis a few years ago, and writing continues to voice my deepest (and highest) truths. I have come to know that “I’m only okay when you’re okay.” I look forward to reading more from you.


    • Thanks for your response. I have met other bloggers that have chronic health issues as well. My sister told me to start a blog two years ago as writing therapy for my illness. I started in late December after Christmastime. It has been an inspiration to say the least. Thanks again and please keep in touch. I’m doing okay today and wish you well. Prayers.


  9. Hi Anne, Thank you so so much for dropping by my Blog, I really appreciate it. It was humbling and special to read all about you, your writing, your travels, your spiritual journey and your pain and anguish with your experiencing chronic illness..

    What a positive and inspirational lady you are and it is an honour to have found your writing. I look forward to delving into yours a lot more…take good care and God Bless you. Your faith in God shines and shimmers…Thank you so much.


    • Thanks for following and reading my blog. It is readers like yourself that I truly admire. I am simply an instrument used by God to inspire others. My writing developed after diagnosed. Rather, it was the one good thing due to the illness. I am humbled by this experience and look forward to reading more of your posts. Thank you for your kind comments and much appreciated. Best wishes and through Him, may we all be blessed. Anne 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you for reading. I admire readers. Glad you enjoyed reading the blog and your kind comments. I hope to inspire others, if just one, that is good. Goon night and blessings to you. Anne 🙂


  11. Thank you for the passing by and for the recent follow. I too believe that one day I will be healed. Keep fighting the good fight! I look forward to following along your journey.

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  12. What touching writing. Writing is healing in so many way isn’t it. Best wishes on your recovery 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You are an amazingly strong person encouraging and a blessing for the blog sphere. I am happy that we met and that we are connected, Anne!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank you, Erika. It’s through the illness that I grew stronger. I also developed a taste for writing. Good things do come out of bad. 🙂


  15. Thank you, Erika. It is strange that you don’t expect events like this to happen earlier than expected in life. I was just starting to enjoy life, if you know what I mean. I got hit with a triple whammy within 15 months.


  16. I am believing with you for your healing.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. GOD uses the valley’s of our lives to draw us close to him. It is in the valley we are the closest and we can hear his voice most clearly. Thank you for sharing your life and your journey here. You are an inspiration to many in the way you live your life and through your words.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tony, this is what makes me happy and is most important to me. Inspiring others through my own journey in life. I’m glad it touched you. Thank you for the kind comments. I look forward to visiting and reading more of your blog as well. Anne

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Anne, you’re so courageous!!
    Thank you for continuing to visit, and like my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Melinda, thanks for the follow and the encouragement. 🙂


  20. yvonnasherlock said:

    I will pray for your health.


  21. Anne, I went down the cancer road a few years ago. And while at first it was numbing I tried to keep my sense of humor about me and found laughter at every turn. And in the end it turned out as good as I could ask for. You can find some of the highlights on the right hand margin of my blog. Just remember God is good. God does things!


  22. You’ve done so well to have written so many books while suffering from a chronic illness!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Thanks so much. Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

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