
For five weeks, I pondered over a header for this blog. I knew that I wanted to create something that explored my reflections of writing. I had many creative thoughts and used my imagination to grasp the readers’ attention. After playing with several headers, I came up with names, such as The Writer’s Guide and The Crazy Writer. However, they didn’t seem to fit with my site title. The other day I was reading instructions from the Happiness Engineers. Suddenly, I got an idea in my head. I was reading over focusing on ideas. It’s like lightening struck. That was the answer – brilliant. Duh! Why hadn’t I thought of it before? It was so clear yet took me time to come up with a fitting header. I settled on The Main Focus: Embracing Life Today In A Creative Way. It just seems to blend in perfectly.

My Bucket List is many things. First, I want a cure for both cancer and autoimmune diseases. Second, I want to become a prolific writer, well-known within the writing world. Third, I want to fall in love again. Yes, this means marriage and a permanent life partner. Fourth, to love, laugh and find happiness the rest of my days. Fifth, I want to be able to physically and financially travel to different continents, Europe again and possibly Asia (Egypt especially). Sixth, a spiritual lifting in God, peace and comfort. Seventh, a loving and close-knit family. Eighth, I want to go up in a hot air balloon. Ninth, to climb a mountain to the top. Tenth, to win a million dollars.

I will write from time to time on excerpts, reflections and expressions of writing. I want to reflect my soul, not only why I write but how it is used in my writing. I hope to bring enjoyment to others and a form of entertaining thoughts put to words. Thank you for visiting and come again soon.

26 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Writing, like life, is a journey. In fact, it reflects life. May your reflections be fruitful in sharing life with those that share life.


  2. Great bucket list and with time it shall come true. Although I have parachuting our of a plane further down on my list just in case. LOL!


  3. Hey hi.. !!
    Thank you so much stopping by my blog 🙂
    That’s a beautiful bucket list you have..!!


  4. Hey there. I just nominated you for the creative blogger award. The details are on the post I just put up. Have a nice day!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks so much. I’m honored.


  6. Great header, beautiful photo and awesome bucket list!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for the likes, follow and comments. 🙂


  8. Great bucket list – good luck!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Anne one more award I nominated you for the Encouraging Thunder

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you, Carolina. I accept the award with much appreciation. I had infusions (treatments) today and again tomorrow so I will post tomorrow night, if okay. Anne 🙂


  11. The title is perfect for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Great. I think this one will stay. 🙂 Thanks for responding.


  13. You already seem to be well on the way with your writing, Anne, with a few books already behind you. As for your bucket list… well, you certainly have a good variety there. With your positive attitude, I imagine you’ll achieve most, if not all, of them.:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Millie. I have a fourth one coming out later this summer. I’m scared of the parachuting out of an airplane but when better, I plan to do that someday. 🙂 Anne

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m not sure that I’d be brave enough to do the parachuting, so I think you are more than brave for wanting to try! I wish you every success with your new book. I hope to get around to reading some of your work as soon as I get time. I have a few on the go at the moment, which I want to review once I’ve finished and then I’ll read one of yours. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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