About the Book

 51vJv5fUbkL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_“Shattered Dreams” combines adventure, suspense and

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drama in one fictional novel. The book adds mystery and terror. The main character, Crystal Johnston, gives a brilliance in detail as the reader interprets her thoughts. The setting is in the mysterious pyramids in Cairo, Egypt. Life was exciting for Crystal until she is hit with challenges in her life. A little history of the pyramids and the Nile River is given. It was published on March 15, 2016.

“Gentle Rain of Thoughts” is a book of poems, taken from excerpts of my latest novel, “Wounded Heart in Flight.”  Whether newlywed or married many years, deliver the flavor of love through poetry. Let the creativity take you away in fascination and imagination. Over 80 poems combined with 100 haiku poems for your reading enjoyment.Gentle Rain of Thoughts - Amazon

“Wounded Heart in Flight” was created and written about a young woman of American

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Indian ancestry. Her heritage goes back to her Cherokee roots. The setting is in the Midwest in Oklahoma. The main character, Julia Hawkins, delivers a brilliant story in this novel, as she is healed from a wounded heart. Her sorrow turns to happiness, as she finds a new love after losing her husband at an early age. She learns to heal through her gift of cleansing the land of evil and bad spirits.

 Wounded Heart in Flight Cover - Amazon
 “The Jagged Edge” is a suspense-thriller with effect, characterization and tragedy. If you
The Jagged Edge - Front Cover1

First Novel

enjoy reading suspense and imaginative portrayal of characters, this is a must-read novel. The setting is in Richmond, Virginia. The readers actually visualize themselves in the roles of the characters in the story. The main character, Angela Harris, finds the true meaning of forgiveness, and overcoming tragedy and sorrow in her life. Read how Angela actually finds peace and comfort in her life.

As The Sweet Honey Runs is a motivational, nonfiction self-healing book. As The Sweet Honey RunsWritten for those who have experienced painful circumstances in their own life, particularly divorce. It allows healing to begin to take place so old wounds can start to heal internally. The circumstances are life-changing as well as some painful experiences. It was created and written as a sequel to “As The Scarlet Tanager Sings.” Hotlines, resources and websites are given.

As The Scarlet Tanager Sings“As The Scarlet Tanager Sings” is a motivational, nonfiction self-healing book. It delivers messages for those experiencing life-changing situations such as in health, financial, marriage and relationships. Among the many topics include infertility issues during marriage, relationships, coping and managing stress. Nothing is more devastating than being told you have three major illnesses in a short period of time. This book will change your life as you discover you are not alone in your plight. Websites and resources are given.

3 thoughts on “About the Book”

  1. I didn’t see a way to contact you via email. Are you aware the bird on your book cover is NOT a Scarlet Tanager? It’s a cardinal. Here’s a tanager. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Scarlet_Tanager/id
    I’d want someone to tell me. 🙂


    • Yes, Casey I was very aware of that. There was an issue of the scarlet tanager being too small for printing on front cover and also getting copyrights from a photographer. The cardinal was the closest thing to the scarlet tanager as it is a type of cardinal. Thanks for the concern, but the best I could do at the time. No worries! 🙂 Anne


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