

I want to thank Carolina for nominating my blog for this wonderful and striking award the “Encouraging Thunder.” With much appreciation, I am honored by this nomination and accept with pride. If you get an opportunity, please visit her blog for her beautiful art, creations and expressions. You will be amazed at her artistic creativity and talent. Her blog is as awesome as she is. Please take a look at http://yesterdayafter.com/. encouraging-thunder-e1427793461525The Rules:

• Post it on your blog.

• Grant other bloggers the award.

What you cannot do:

1. Abuse or misuse the logo.

2. Claim that it is your own handmade logo.

What you should do after receiving the Encouraging Thunder Award:

• Enjoy the award!

• At least give thanks via comments, likes and/or mentioning the blog that you received the award from.

• Mention your purpose in blogging

My purpose in Blogging:

I first started to blog on January lst (New Year’s Day) this year for various reasons. First and foremost, is to connect to others around the world. Second, I wanted to vent my own feelings and frustrations with chronic illness experienced the past five years. Another reason in blogging is in part to promote my books and written works. Blogging has allowed me the enjoyment to meet others and make new acquaintances. I want to explore different styles of creative writing in various forms.

My nominees are:

Lee (http://www.planetearthnewsletter.com/)

Tony (http://tonyburgess1969.net/)

John (https://johncoyote.wordpress.com/)

Monique (https://moniquegordon.wordpress.com/)

Donna (http://alittlebirdtweets.com/)

These are all great bloggers and wonderful people. Their blogs I enjoy on a daily basis as well as their encouraging words. Please take a moment and visit their blogs today. annepm2015@ (https://annermurray.wordpress.com/)