
My blog has grown with many other blogs I have come across. I am happy to support my followers and viewers as well. I want to thank YesterdayAfter for nominating me for “The Sisterhood of the World” Bloggers Award. I accept her invitation and appreciate the honor very much. Many thanks for her kindness and allowing me to promote great blogs. If you get an opportunity, please visit her blog at http://yesterdayafter.com/ for much good reading. sisterhoodoftheworld_zps04ae03d0annepm2015 (https://annermurray.worldpress.com)

Rules for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award: Thank the giver and link their blog to your post. Answer the 10 questions given to you. Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of their choice and let them know that they have been nominated. Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog.


1. Why do you have a Blog? Frankly, my sister asked me to start a blog a couple of years ago. I chose to start writing a book instead. I started a blog in late December, right after Christmas. I had multiple reasons to blog. I wanted to write about my illnesses, connect to others and to promote my books (now writing my fourth).

2. What inspires you the most? People who have courageous stories to tell, people who have incredible stories, people who have life-changing or tragic events, and the list goes on. Many things inspire me actually.

3. Do you like to create your work in day or night? Believe it or not, I’m most creative at night or early mornings. I get distracted most in daytime with phone calls, interruptions, etc. Nighttime is quiet and more relaxing to create. Sometimes, I’m up all night writing. I have to write when I feel creative or I lose the momentum.

4. What is your favorite book and why? I love “Gone With The Wind” by Margaret Mitchell. Being from the Deep South, this book inspired me early in life. I love watching the movie about civil war days in the Old South too. Gives a different perspective on life back then.

5. What mood do you have when you create? I’m usually feeling my characters in my books or novels when I create. I feel passion, yet regret on the other hand. I feel sadness, yet hostility on the other hand. One time I was writing feeling anger in my main character, when my sister called wondering why I was angry.

6. What is your favorite Color? I love baby doll or pale blue. Also love royal blue. It was my grandmother’s favorite color too.

7.Do you prefer the Ocean or Mountain? I love both actually but I prefer the Mountain. As you can see from my header image on my blog, I’m in love with majestic and snow-capped mountain tops. Gorgeous scenery and so natural landscapes.

8. What type of jewelry do you like? I enjoy all types but my favorites are rings. Rubies or diamonds are a girl’s best friend. My second favorites are earrings.

9. Tea or Coffee? I like both tea and coffee but coffee lattes are out of this world. I would kill for a caramel latte anytime. lol

10. What is your dream? To become physically healthy (restored health) and well. To find a cure for cancer and autoimmune diseases. To be mobile and travel the world. To finish my bucket list. I am nominating these 7 ladies’ blogs that I have made connections with in different and special ways:

Deborah A. Bowman (http://bowmanauthor.com/)

Divorce With Me (https://divorcewithme.wordpress.com/)

Shirazien (https://coffeewithnoor.wordpress.com/)

Dark Shadows (https://pitofultimatedarkshadows.wordpress.com/)

Catherine Hamrick (http://randomstoryteller.com/)

Jessica Edouard (https://sendsunshine.wordpress.com/)

Dorkchops (https://dorkchopsworld.wordpress.com/)

No one should feel obligated to accept or participate. I want others to connect to your great blogs as they have inspired me.

Questions For Those Who Accept:

1. If you could personally go back in time, when and where would it be? Why? (Anytime whether modern or historical)

2. What are your ambitions/desires in life?

3. What is your main challenge? (good or bad)

4. What would complete/satisfy your life?

5. What is your dream job?

6. What is your favorite movie? Why?

7. What would be number 1 priority on your bucket list?

8. What is your favorite food?

9. If you had 3 things to take with you on an island, what would they be?

10. What is your biggest fear?

Remember ladies to just have fun. If you do accept and I hope you do, please link to the post in my comments. Please enjoy answering the questions, nominating others and just having fun.